

物理系 at 威尼斯人app下载 offers several programs for physics undergraduates, including astrophysics and atmospheric physics options. In addition, exceptional students have the opportunity to complete an accelerated BS/MS program. 物理系 also awards minors in physics for your secondary field 的研究.


物理学学士 with Astrophysics Option

物理学学士 with Atmospheric Physics Option

BS/MS in Physics, Five-Year Program



威尼斯人app下载 awards minors for your secondary field 的研究. 而数字 of credits required for a minor vary from department to department, a minimum of 18 需要学时. Students cannot earn a minor with either the Associate of General Studies or Bachelor of General Studies.

You must declare a minor and be assigned a minor advisor prior to completing the coursework 未成年人.  

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